Snowman & X’mas Tree

I made Snowman & X’mas Tree during X’mas season last year. Not entirely my creativity because Cute Food For Kids done it long time ago and it looked so much better then mine.

It’s really simple to make. If you try it, you will know what I’m talking about!

Ingredients: Rice, Tamagoyaki (egg roll, this is optional), Cucumber, Steamed Carrots, Steamed Spring Onions, Nori sheets (seaweed), Mayonaise.

Tools: Scissors, knife, drinking straw, toothpick.

Methods: Snowman- Rice balls for the hat, face and body. Wrap hat (rectangle shaped rice ball) with nori. Cut nori into small circles for the eyes, mouth and buttons. Nori for the hands as well. Carrot for the scarf and cheese for the nose.

X’mas tree- Cut cucumber into thin slices. Then trim the edges into triangle shapes and arrange them into a tree shape and carrot for the tree trunk.

X’mas gifts- Cut cucumber, carrot and tamagoyaki into square shape and tie them up like a present with spring onions.

Snowflakes- I used straw to cut the cheese slice into small little circles.

Note: I used Mayonnaise like glue to secure nori on my food. And toothpick to transfer cut nori to the food.