Hi, I’m Samantha. I’m not a professional chef and I’ve never been to culinary school. I’m just an ordinary, regular and average mom, crazy about making mess in the kitchen.
I started my very first Bento making in December 2008, when I was heavily pregnant with my second daughter. It was to let my elder daughter to eat independently after the arrival of her younger sister. I was very lucky and blessed that my creations never failed to impress my elder daughter and it made her looked forward to the next meal. Now, she has her little sister fighting over which character they should get during mealtime. It makes meal time extremely fun.
These days, I work as a kids party planner. Also love sewing, crafting, baking and doodling.
It’s lovely to meet you. I hope you enjoy it here.
Contact Me : [email protected]
Hi my name is Sabrina i am from Singapore any way
I wanted to suggest to u a we’d site where u can
Put ur art . It is an art website for all kinds of art.
I have a profile on it do check it out if u like it then join
Too .
Ps: I am a really big fan of ur work 😊
Soo this is the link :
Thank you Sabrina! I’ll check out your portfolio sooner. cheers
Hi:) I think your bento creations are so awesome:))
Thank you Marnelli! I’m glad you like it
Hi there again:) I awarded you the Kreativ Blogger award more details here http://sweetsandbrains.wordpress.com/2012/01/23/kreativ-blogger-award/ congrats!
Hi eatzybitzy I read about your blog from the charaben article in the Star newspaper & I thought I would check out your blog. Im very impressed by your creations and I can’t wait to try out the recipes you have so kindly shared with everybody!
Just a side comment you have very good looks! Okay I will leave it at that. Cheers & appreciate your cooking recipes
Thank you Jonathan. I’ll post some tutorials soon and hopefully it’ll be useful for you!
I’m sure you will be successful if you pursue this career. You are great artist!!
You are too kind. Thank you so much.
I love your bento creations! Do you always serve your kids such cute meals? Do they eat it all? How old are they? I want to try for my 2 year old. She is such a picky eater !
Hello there, so sorry to reply late. Yes, I served the charaben meals to my 2 and 4 year old kids few times a week at home. They loved it so they will eat them all. You should try to make healthy cute food for your 2 year old. All the best my dear.
Hi eatzybitzy Jonathan again. Just thought I would like to suggest some characters that would look great as a Charaben
Tarzan & Jane, Mulan & Mushu, Winnie the Pooh, Toy Story character…haha I love watching Disney and Kiddie animated movies. I could go on and on but here are a couple of suggestions! Okay over and out!
OMG! how do you make the evil queen food you did? Please please please let me know. I am totally obsessed with the evil queen.
- Thank you!
Thank you Alyssa. I usually shaped the rice (in cling wrap) to oval shape…for the face. The rest are cut out from the nori sheets and eggs. White= egg white, yellow= egg york or whole egg…etc. I hope it helps
Will try to show some simple tutorials soon.
hi, i loved your creation. where is your based house?
Hello there. Thank you for your kind comment. I’m from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Dear Sam
Greetings from KIOSK. We are a travel and lifestyle online magazine and would like to invite you to contribute the state-of-art food images to the LIFESTORE section.
Please feel free to check out the mag and let me know/make enquiry via emailing me at [email protected].
Thank you very much and looking forward to hearing from you soon!
I would never eat my food if you prepared it like this. Looks too good to ruin! ha. Your kids are lucky.
Aww thanks for being kind. You kids are lucky to have cool parents like you and your wifey too.
Thanks for stopping by foodforfun. Must say, I LOVE YOUR BLOG! Your creations are adorably amazing. Amazingly adorable? They’re awesome.
Thank you so much Liz. You are very kind
Hello again. I see you’ve already been awarded the Kreativ Blogger Award, but am back tonight to nominate you for the Versatile Blogger Award. Congrats:-) Details at http://foodcommunicationservices.wordpress.com/
Aww Thank you so much!!! xoxo
Congratulations! I’ve nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award! You can check it out here: http://cookingwithlucie.wordpress.com/2012/08/03/one-lovely-blog-award/
Hi Samantha, I really love your blog and nominated you for One Lovely Blog Award, in the case if you are interested to participate please check http://rabbitcancook.wordpress.com/2012/08/16/one-lovely-blog-award/
Samantha! I’ve nominated you for the Inspiring Blog Award! Check out why and also what to do if you want to accept it at http://typingwithtea.wordpress.com/2012/08/17/inspiring-blog-award-lovely-blog-award/