
Cute Cows for Lunch


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cow bento, moo moo cow bento, cute food, bento, cow onigiri, rice balls, japanese, food art, art, creative food, creativity, lee samantha, samantha lee

I posted this on Instagram during December, 2011. Many of you should know I’m super duper slow in blogging. Thank you for being patience with me.

This is the rice version of Moo Moo Cow sandwiches. You can follow the step-by-step here too.

Tools: Scissor, Toothpick, Knife, Cling wrap.

Ingredients: Rice, Nori sheet (seaweed), cheese slice, Ham, 1 tsp Mayonnaise.


1. Use cling wrap to mold the rice into 2 square shapes.

2. Cut nori for the eyes, nose, and black prints on the cows from the scissor.

3. Use knife to cut out 2 square shapes for the faces from the cheese slice. And 2 smaller rectangle shapes for the nose from the ham.

4. Use toothpick to draw the ears, nose ring and tails on the cheese slice. You can see how I do it here.

5. Dip toothpick with some mayonnaise to transfer and glue the nori on the rice.

I hope you enjoy making these cute cows.

Ideas adapted from Anna The Red.


Happy Piano Girls


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Cute girls singing & playing the piano.

Servings : For my 2 little girls.

Tools : Scissor, music note nori puncher (optional), knife, toothpick, cling wrap.

Ingredients: 2 bowls of rice, 2 Eggs, Nori sheet (seaweed), Carrot and 1 tsp Mayonnaise.


1. Mold 2 big round shaped rice balls (for the face), 4 small round shaped rice balls (hands), and a rectangle shaped rice ball (piano) with cling wrap.

2. Cut out nori with scissor or nori puncher for the eyes, eyelashes, freckles, mouth, hands, piano keyboard and music notes.

3. Cut out the egg sheet for the hair. Always cut out a bigger piece then trim down the edges little by little.

3. Use knife to carve the carrot into flowers.

4. Dip toothpick with tiny bit of mayonnaise to transfer and glue all the cut out nori on the food.

I hope you like this creation.


Cute Panda


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Cute Pandas


Tools: Scissors, drinking straw, toothpick.
1. Mold the rice with cling wrap.
2. Cut out nori for the parts you want them to look black (ears, eyes, mouth, hands).
3. Cut out ham from the drinking straw for the nose.
4. Ketchup/ ham for the blushing cheeks.

Tips: Use toothpick to pick up and transfer the nori. Mayonnaise as glue.

Characters food making should be fun, inspiring and inexpensive. I don’t want to spend too much time searching and buying all kind of gadgets and end up neglecting or forgetting them. So I tried to stick to the basics. I used what I normally have in my kitchen or it must be easy to be found in the markets around my neighbourhood.

P.S. My apology for the low quality of my pictures. It was all taken by iPhone 4 and with my favourite Valencia filter on Instagram. You can view my latest posts here.


Moo Moo Cow


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Moo moo cow

Moo Moo Cow - Egg with butterhead lettuce & tomato sandwich.

Moo Moooooo ~


Moo moo cow

Tools: knife, scissors, pipping tip, and toothpick.

Moo moo cow

cut bread’s edges.

Moo moo cow

Fill the sandwich!

Moo moo cow

Use pipping tip to cut out round shapes for the eyes.
Use toothpick to draw desire shapes on the cheese slice.

Moo moo cow

Do the same on another darker shade of cheese slice (I used smokey bbq cheese) for cow horns and nose.

Moo moo cow

Nori cut out for the eyes.

Moo moo cow

Cut out nori for the ears, eyelashes and black patches on the cow.
Tips: I use mayonnaise as glue.

Moo moo cow

Ta Dahhhhhh

-bon appetit-


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